Montessorians from every state in the USA, every province in Canada and from over 120 countries worldwide have graduated from our Montessori Diploma programs.
Lower Elementary Diploma Program (6–9 years)
  • LE - Roberta H

    by User Not Found | Mar 24, 2015

    I am very pleased to have found such an interesting and useful course. It was a pleasure to work at my own pace in the comfort of my home. The NAMC curriculum manuals are thorough and beautifully constructed. I could not ask for more in a manual. My interaction with the NAMC staff was always professional, helpful, positive and polite. I was impressed with the quick response to any questions and immediate feedback on assignments.

    Roberta H., NAMC 6–9 Graduate
    Florida, USA
  • LE - Kathleen G

    by User Not Found | Mar 24, 2015

    I think that your program is excellent. The activities are explained clearly and are therefore easy to follow. There is enough repetition to make the activities feel familiar and comfortable to perform on your own. I also think that the quality of the pictures is very good, which enables you to follow the written directions well. I have found this training program to be very enlightening.

    Kathleen G., NAMC 6–9 Graduate
    Maryland, USA
  • LE - Elmer C

    by User Not Found | Mar 24, 2015

    I have been waiting for an opportunity like this, wherein I could pursue a certificate in Montessori elementary education and at the same time earn a living. When my employer offered me this course I was excited. This program is very convenient for us who are working. It gives us the choice on how to manage our time in finishing the program. It has also provided me the opportunity to learn even if I am working here in Indonesia, which is geographically far from Canada. The materials and manuals are straightforward and easy to understand. Assignment feedback is done in a matter of days and my tutor’s comments are helpful and informative.

    Elmer C., NAMC 6–9 Graduate
    Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Earn your NAMC Lower Elementary Montessori Diploma