Montessorians from every state in the USA, every province in Canada and from over 120 countries worldwide have graduated from our Montessori Diploma programs.
Infant / Toddler Diploma Program (0–3 years)

IT - Althea Lookwhy

by User Not Found | Mar 23, 2015

I spent over a year looking for a Montessori training program of excellent quality and at an affordable price. After finding NAMC, I phoned around my hometown and other schools abroad and was pleased with the positive response toward NAMC’s diploma programs and my future as a Montessori Directress. During my first NAMC program I found my tutor to be very warm, kind-hearted, and supportive throughout my studies. This continued throughout as I decided to study four of NAMC’s diploma programs: 0–3, 3–6, 6–9, and 9–12 years. The NAMC staff is all wonderfully supportive. The programs themselves are excellent, and the curriculum manuals and resources are magnificent. NAMC offers a willingness to support anyone from all walks of life and any institution, and they provide a sense of belonging. I am very proud to be an Ambassador for NAMC.

Althea Lookwhy, NAMC 0–3, 3–6, 6–9, 9–12 Graduate
Switzerland / France
Earn your NAMC Infant/Toddler Montessori Diploma